So on my reading agenda at the moment is the book by Napoleon Hill Your Magic Power To Be Rich
Napoleon Hill's 14 Secrets to Success
2. I engage in no transaction, intentionally, that does not benefit all whom it affects.
3. I make no statements that I do not believe to be true.
4. I have a sincere desire in my heart to be of useful service to the greatest possible number of people.
5. I like people better than I like money.
6. I am doing my best to live, as well as to reach , my own philosophy of success.
7. I accept no favors from anyone without giving favors in return.
8. I ask nothing of any person without having a right to that for which I have asked for.
9. I enter into no argument with people of trivial matters.
10. I spread the sunshine of optimism and good cheer wherever and whenever I can.
11. I never flatter people for the purpose of gaining their confidence.
12. I sell counsel and advice to other people, at a modest price, but never offer free advice.
13. While teaching others how to achieve success, I have demonstrated that I can make my philosophy work for myself as well, thus "practicing what I preach"
14. I am so thoroughly sold on the work in which I am engaged that my enthusiasm over it becomes contagious and others are influenced by it.
-From The Magic Ladder to Success

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